Business Transformation

Transformation Program

Transform into a customer driven organisation and make yourself viable.

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Transform your business

Many customer experience managers and other change leaders struggle to involve the rest of the organisation, explain the importance to the board or create urgency.

A sound transformation plan – with clear deliverables – empowers you to convince the organisation and align and scale your efforts faster than ever before. It will pave the way for others to see through the complexity and understand the cohesion and purpose of the different initiatives needed.

“Transformation is a complex monster with many faces. We see that many organisations lack a clear implementation plan, with initiatives widely spread and worse, unaligned.”

Jules Prick

Koos Service Design

Tailored to your organisation

Our digital transformation consultants design unique transformation programs tailored to your organisation – based on our maturity scan and built around our maturity model framework, including all key elements customised for your business.

Transform into a customer driven organisation and embed the service design mindset into the heart of your organisation.

Get ready for change now.